Anywhere from one to two years after your claim for short term disability benefits has been approved, your insurance carrier will begin to evaluate whether you qualify for long term disability benefits. Far too often, the answer is no—not because your condition isn’t severe enough, but because your medical records don’t quite connect the dots when it comes to your policy’s new definition of disability. Below, we’ll discuss when disability benefit denials tend to occur, as well as what you can do to shield your claim from denial.Continue Reading Do Disability Insurance Companies Deny All Claims?

Disability insurance companies like to see objective medical evidence to approve a long term disability claim. But so many disabling conditions are “invisible” – chronic pain, mental health ailments, and other conditions that don’t show up on an MRI or other diagnostic tests. Therefore, it’s crucial that your disability insurance attorney understands your condition and can work with you and your doctors to document it. Below, the attorneys at Dell Disability Lawyers will explain exactly what type of documentation you need to maintain disability insurance benefits.Continue Reading Why Does Your Disability Insurance Lawyer Need to Understand Your Disabling Condition(s)?

Disability insurance can help protect your income if you’re no longer able to work – but not all disability insurance policies are created equal. Depending on the type and term of policy you have, the process of qualifying for benefits can range from simple to incredibly complex. Learn more about the different types of disability insurance and the range of coverages available.Continue Reading What is Disability Insurance and Should You Buy It?

One of the main reasons disability insurance companies deny long term disability claims involves video surveillance and “social media surveillance.” Insurance carriers literally follow claimants around (and monitor their social media accounts) to see if they can catch these claimants engaging in physical activities they previously stated they could not do.Continue Reading Third Most Common Disability Benefit Denial Reason: Video & Social Media Surveillance

One of the most common reasons for the denial of long term disability benefits involves the disability insurance company’s paper review of your claim file. If the insurance company doesn’t think your claim looks strong on paper, it may order an independent medical exam (IME) – which isn’t so much of an “exam” as having its own nurse or in-house doctor review your claim file. Continue Reading Reason 1 for Disability Benefit Denial: Paper Review and Independent Medical Exam