Disability Case:
Hartford misleads disability insurance claimant’s doctor which results in benefit denial

In a recent long term disability insurance case against Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company (Hartford), Glenn Pauley alleged that Hartford wrongfully denied his long-term disability benefits. This case is a classic example of the frequent tactic used by Hartford to deny long term disability claims. On numerous Hartford claim denials we have seen Hartford draft undisclosed one-sided letters to the treating physician of a disability claimant. These letters are drafted with specific questions designed to establish a denial of a claimant’s long term disability benefits. In most cases, a claimant’s treating physician will not discuss the questions with a claimant and will not understand the consequences of the answers they choose to provide. A treating physician should always discuss any letters from a disability company with the patient. This case may never have ended up in court had Pauley’s doctor been advised of the significance of the letter that Hartford secretively sent him.

Do disability insurance companies handle a claim differently when a lawyer is involved?

Disability attorney Gregory Dell discusses how disability insurance companies evaluate a claimant’s eligibility for disability benefits on a month to month basis and how a disability lawyer can assist a claimant throughout the process.

Disability Case:
Does Fibromyalgia Have a Credibility Problem in Disability Insurance Claims?

A recent article posted by CNN Health addresses the lack of support women who suffer from fibromyalgia can face personally, professionally and even from their own physicians as they try to cope with this debilitating and often misunderstood disease.

Disability Attorneys Dell & Schaefer have represented numerous long term disability claimants that have been unable to work as a result of suffering from fibromyalgia.