As disability insurance attorneys that help disability claimants nationwide it is frustrating when we see a repetitive trend of denial tactics by the same company. We are contacted multiple times every day from people denied benefits by Sedgwick Claims Management. Here is a recent denial of disability benefits story we received from a claimant that was denied by Sedgwick:
"I have worked for my company for over 14 years. This past March, I took SSD for severe/major Depressive disorder. I was initially approved and was able to get compensation up until May. I turned in an extension and was denied. I gathered as much information as I could (under the circumstances) and sent it back to the disability office (Sedgwick) to appeal the decision and they denied benefits again.
I have not been paid by Sedgwick since May. I have no income coming in at all and am now very limited in continuing treatment. I feel as this decision was made incorrectly and the reasoning behind it weak. Several of the reasons given to deny are based on partial truth and info, as well as limited research done. They tried to reach 3 different doctors – one who only works one day a month, one who has a very busy schedule, and one who never received the voicemail left for her. They tried twice to reach my doctors. And they left voicemail. They stated denial based on that, and a few other nontrue issues."
Contact our firm for a free consultation and you can learn more about Sedgwick disability claim denials by visiting .