Beneficiaries of disability insurance policies are seldom faced with an easy task when trying to claim disability benefits. Usually there are a long list of procedures with which claimants must follow before disability insurance companies approve their claim for disability benefits. Hence, it is advisable to have a disability attorney handle your claim for disability
Disabled Marquette General Hospital’s Pacemaker Technician Suing Unum Life Insurance for Denial of Long Term Disability Benefits
A Michigan disability attorney, on behalf of a disabled Michigan client, filed a lawsuit against the Unum Life Insurance Company of America (UNUM) at the District Court for the Western District of Michigan. In Kristina M. Arbelius V Unum Group D/B/A Unum Life Insurance Company of America, the plaintiff Kristina M. Arbelius alleged that…
This Week on (01/22/2011)
Disability Blog & Cases:
The evolution of denying fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome claims in group long term disability policies
As a disability claimant it is important to be aware of any limited benefit periods which may unfairly limit your benefits to two years. Once considered “fringe” conditions not commonly understood by many- especially Group…
This Week on (01/15/2011)
Disability Insurance Law TV:
20 reasons ERISA is an unfair law for disability insurance claimants
Nationwide Disability Insurance Attorneys Gregory Dell and Stephen Jessup discuss the numerous reasons that ERISA is an unfair law that can negatively impact the thousands of people that file disability insurance claims each year.
This Week on (01/08/2011)
Disability Insurance Law TV:
MetLife disability denial reversed by court for unreasonable claim handling
In this episode disability insurance attorney Stephen Jessup discusses a recent 7th Circuit Court of Appeals case in which MetLife’s ERISA disability denial was reversed for numerous reasons. This opinion is a great tool for disability insurance claimants…
Disability Blog & …
This Week on (01/01)
Disability Insurance Law TV:
Unum / Provident / Paul Revere Long & Short Term Disability Claims
In this episode disability insurance attorneys Gregory Dell, Stephen Jessup and Cesar Gavidia of Attorneys Dell & Schaefer discuss Unum and their handling of long term disability insurance claims. Unum has taken over all disability polices sold by Paul…
This Week on (12/25)
Disability Insurance Law TV:
Liberty Mutual Long Term Disability Insurance Claims
In this two part episode disability insurance attorneys Gregory Dell Stephen Jessup and Rachel Alters of Attorneys Dell & Schaefer discuss Liberty Mutual Disability Insurance Company and their handling of long term and short term disability insurance claims.
This Week on (12/18)
Disability Insurance Law TV:
Mass Mutual Financial Disability Insurance Claims
In this episode disability insurance attorneys Gregory Dell and Cesar Gavidia of Attorneys Dell & Schaefer discuss Mass Mutual Disability Insurance Company and their handling of long term disability insurance claims.
FAQ (Lump Sum Buyout):
Is my disability insurance company required to offer me a …
This week on (12/11)
Disability Insurance Law TV:
Sun Life Financial Disability Insurance Claims
In this two-part episode, disability insurance attorneys Gregory Dell and Cesar Gavidia of Attorneys Dell & Schaefer discuss Sun Life Financial Disability Insurance Company and their handling of long term disability insurance claims. More specifically our disability attorneys discuss some lawsuits that have been filed…
This week on (2)
Disability Case:
Hartford misleads disability insurance claimant’s doctor which results in benefit denial
In a recent long term disability insurance case against Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company (Hartford), Glenn Pauley alleged that Hartford wrongfully denied his long-term disability benefits. This case is a classic example of the frequent tactic used by Hartford to deny…