This video touches on many important points dealing with selecting an experienced long term disability attorney and steps taken to win a New York Life disability benefit appeal for an Estes Truck Lines diesel mechanic. Long term disability attorneys Gregory Dell and Alex Palamara discuss the basis of NY Life’s disability denial and the strategy we used to the get the LTD benefits paid.Continue Reading Estes Express Diesel Mechanic Wins NY Life Disability Appeal After Prior Law Firm Sucked

Our client, a registered nurse employed by Memorial Health System was paid long term disability benefits for two years before NY LIFE denied her disability benefits. New York Life relied on a hired gun IME doctor to deny long term disability benefits.Continue Reading Registered Nurse with Hand and Back Issues Wins New York Life LTD Appeal

Our client was a hospitalist and it was a great victory to get her New York Life long term disability denial reversed. She was disabled by knee and back pain. New York Life paid long term disability benefits for one year and then decided that our client could return to her duties of taking care of patients in the hospital.Continue Reading Hospitalist Disabled by Knee & Back Pain Wins New York Life Disability Appeal

We talk about a case where a claimant has a surgery and the disability company then concludes that the claimant can return to work.

This was a great long term disability appeal victory on behalf of an APPLE VP of sales suffering with a knees disorder. Our client was with Apple for 23 years and unfortunately New York Life denied his long term disability benefits.Continue Reading Apple VP of Sales with Knee Disorder Wins New York Life Long Term Disability Appeal

New York Life recently acquired Cigna to become one of the biggest long term disability insurance carriers in the country, and unfortunately, this merger has only expanded some of the more frustrating parts of Cigna’s claims handling process and culture. It can be easy to become complacent after you’ve begun to receive benefits, but these benefits can be short-lived if you don’t take some proactive steps to preserve your entitlement to disability benefits. Your answers to the following three questions can put you in a better position to protect your long term disability benefits.
Continue Reading Maintaining Your New York Life Long Term Disability Insurance Benefits