For several years, Elizabeth Black was the executive director of Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. (MWF), the organization that governs Summerfest, a music festival in Milwaukee. Black was covered under the company’s disability insurance plan, underwritten and administered by Standard Insurance Company. Black was diagnosed with multiple aortic aneurysms, bulging and weak areas in the aorta.
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Attorneys Dell & Schaefer Win Motion Against The Standard Disability Insurance Company
During the week of July 13, 2009, Attorney Gregory Dell spent several days in Portland, Oregon deposing multiple employees of The Standard Disability Insurance Company. Prior to taking the depositions, The Standard refused to make their employees available for deposition and instructed their attorney to file a motion preventing Attorney Gregory Dell from taking the depositions.
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Court Upheld Standard’s Decision to Deny Disability Benefits
Carol Shepherd, a fork-lift operator for Daramic, was insured under the company’s group disability plan with Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company. In 2004, Ms. Shepherd had an anxiety attack at work and Daramic suspended her and required that she participate in anger management before returning to work.
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