If you’re the holder of an individual or group long term disability insurance policy through the Equitable insurance company, you’re luckier than many claimants – these policies are generally thorough and high-quality, offering an expansive definition of disability and fairly few limitations as compared to other long term disability insurance policies. But proving to Equitable and its third party claims investigator that you’re entitled to disability benefits can still seem like an uphill battle for many claimants. What should disability claimants know about the disability insurance claim approval process and what they can expect from Equitable?
GREG DELL: Hi. I’m Greg Dell here with attorney Cesar Gavidia. And we are going to discuss the Equitable insurance company today. And specifically, we’re going to discuss how they handle long-term disability insurance claims. Now, Cesar, we know Equitable is a unique disability claim because of the fact that they commonly use a third-party administrator, known as Disability Management Services, to administer their claims. What’s been your experience when working with claims from the Equitable?
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