A ruling in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York found Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company (“Reliance”) acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner when it denied Elizabeth Diamond long-term disability benefits. Here is her story.
Continue Reading Disability Claimant Takes Reliance Standard To Court Twice Within 5 Years

Dr. C, a podiatrist / podiatric surgeon, was successfully practicing in Texas prior to the injury which caused his disability. During a routine blood draw, the phlebotomist taking Dr. C’s blood sample mistakenly injected the needle too deep into Dr. C’s right arm. Dr. C immediately felt shooting and burning pain radiating down his right arm and into his hand.
Continue Reading Attorneys Dell & Schaefer Files Lawsuit And Obtains Lump-Sum Buyout Of Disability Policy For Podiatrist With Median Nerve Injury

Our client, a pharmaceutical sales representative, was recently denied benefits by her carrier, Cigna, despite clear medical documentation of several severe medical problems that prevent her from performing the duties of her occupation.
Continue Reading Attorneys Dell & Schaefer Files Lawsuit Against Cigna In Hawaii On Behalf Of Pharmaceutical Sales Representative